CYC Camp  Rules

All Camp Rules listed below must be complied with at all times, as should all rules laid down by Faskally House Management.

 1.      All Campers will be expected to participate in all activities, and strictly adhere to the various start times (including meals).

2.      The instructions of Leaders must be obeyed at all times.

3.      No Camper may leave the Camp without permission of the Commie.

4.      All Campers must wear seatbelts, where available, whilst travelling on transportation provided by NECYC.

5.      No Camper may go swimming except with the official swimming party.

6.      No smoking, alcohol consumption or drug abuse permitted.

7.      No girls in boys-only areas and no boys in girls-only areas.

8.      After lights out, Campers must not be disruptive in any way so as to prevent others getting to sleep.  They must also remain in their dormitory except for occasional toilet visits and the like.

9.      To prevent the misuse of mobile phones and other electronic devices, these will be kept by the leaders and returned to campers at appropriate times during the camp.

10.  Leaders may at their discretion confiscate mobile phones and other electronic devices for prolonged periods if used inappropriately.

11.  No valuables should be taken to Camp, as NECYC accepts no responsibility for loss of personal belongings.

12.  Any Camper deliberately and/or persistently disobeying his/her Leaders and/or these rules, will be subject to disciplinary action as described in the Child Protection Policy.


Periodically rules might be added, modified or changed.